Butterfly Family

Copy of specialist
Name: Euripus nyctelius

Euripus nyctelius is locally common in montane forests at low to high elevations (Alt. 300 - 1600m). Males often come to the banks of streams and puddles to suck water.

The female is polymorphic and very variable.

It mimics Euploea (Danainae species, especially coreradamantus and mulciber, and looks very similar to these in flight.

Sephisa chandra male flight seems to be a kind of moth (Episteme sp., Agaristinae) and female looks like Erasmia sp., Zygaenidae.

Hestinalis nama mimics Parantica sita and Parantica melaneus (Danainae) and looks very similar to them in flight.

They can be observed from April to May and from September to November.